Thursday, October 5, 2017

week 3 reflections

  • In what ways have your interactions with people in your CoP and with people in this course caused a change in your ideas about instructional design?
I've realized how many more avenues there are to connect with other instructional designers.  It's not just conferences and articles, but dynamic, lively discussion boards, social groups, and commenting sections.
  • How might you integrate those changes into your daily ID practices at your institution?
I'd like to make it a practice to actively engage in these groups and boards.  I've had a passive approach until now - going to conferences and connecting there - but I want to continue to broaden my scope.  An easy way to do this is to read an article and then go on to read the comments and, if I have something to add, to join the discussion!
  • Do you think you'll have to overcome any resistance to those changes?
I think I'll have some trepidation that I have something worth contributing to the discussion or that I have enough knowledge to make a quality comment.  I'll have to get over my "reluctant" ID-ness!
  • What new information have you learned towards your learning goals stated in Week 1 from your interactions in your communities this week?
I haven't interacted much, but I'm establishing their value and learning that I do want them to have a place in my worklife, research, and professional development.  I think this is foundational to them being a sustained resource that I continue to utilize.


  1. Another active way to connect is to publish an article... (if you want to talk about facing your reluctance head-on)

    You get the opportunity to share your expertise and connect with a larger audience... this blog activity is an excellent way for us all to keep active in this way.

  2. Kim, I feel like you... With a very passive approach to the groups and various boards that I am a member of. I desire to be strategic and broaden my scope to learn and engage more with other IDs. This class has opened by eyes to much more out there.

    I love Simone's suggestions. I've written several Christian books but don't feel like an expert in this area so I have been reluctant. I recently spoke for the ATS EdTech Group about LMS selection and using Video Conferencing so maybe this is something I should explore to begin publishing.... Let's challenge each other to step outside of our comfort zones. Thanks

    1. Thanks, Ralene! It's nice to hear someone who I see as ahead of me in the ID world also feels reluctance sometimes!


week 4 reflections

Was the experience valuable to you? How so? This has definitely been a valuable experience.  I had a vague idea of CoPs existing prior t...